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Life Cover– will help cover you and your family:


  •     Help pay such expenses as final illness and funeral costs, eliminating the need to sell estate assets to cover these costs.

  •     Pay off the mortgage and any other debts there may be.

  •     Leave a surviving loved one with a nest egg towards their retirement.

  •     Allow loved ones to grieve without worrying about the bills.




  •      Income to surviving family members.

  •      Provide education funds for children and grandchildren.


Income Protection Cover – (this is your main asset) -  Pays a monthly income during periods  when you are unable to earn an income, because of accident or illness, relieving you of your monthly financial obligations, knowing you have a steady income to support you while you concentrate on recovery.

Mortgage Protection Cover – Can help you protect the regular monthly mortgage repayments on your home, so that should you suffer an accident or illness, or you are hospitalised, your mortgage is covered.


Risk Protection

“If you lose your job through redundancy, we can cover you

for 6 months.”

Trauma Cover – Provides a lump sum payment should you suffer one of the covered conditions. Covered conditions are by nature serious and potentially life threatening and, as a result, can have a significant financial impact.  Trauma cover is designed to help alleviate this financial impact.  The lump sum can help reduce debt, purchase specialised equipment, pay for home modifications, provide additional care, create an investment fund to generate ongoing income or enable business ownership to be restructured, amongst other things. You get to choose how to spend the funds.

Total & Permanent Disability Cover – Pays a lump sum when you suffer a long-term illness or disability that prevents you from ever returning to work, or you lose the use of your limbs, or you are unable to undertake activities of daily living.

Health Cover – Provides the funding to enable you to have private hospital treatment whenever you require more immediate access or a broader range of treatment options than are available to you through the public health system.

Premium Cover – Provides a financial safety net should you suffer a total or partial disability lasting longer than the chosen waiting period.  The monthly benefit is designed to relieve you of the financial responsibility of paying your policy premium during treatment and recovery.

Business Protection Cover  – When a business loses its sole trader, a key employee, a shareholder or a business partner, the consequences can be dramatic.  Profits can fall, loans may have to be repaid at short notice or, at worst, the future viability of the business can come under threat.

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